Mednarodni Center Lutkovne umetnosti Koper
International Center for Puppetry Arts, Koper - Slovenia
Teatro Matita - Matija Solce
Matija Solce born 1981 in Slovenia, musician, puppeteer, actor, workshop organiser and mentor. In his works he closely connects music and theatre, and therefore his concerts often turn into interactive theatre performances, or his puppet shows become musical compositions.
2003 – award for Inventive Transformation of Tradition (meeting of Slovene puppeteers)
2004 – Second place at the Festival Mittelfest in Italy (Marionetta D’oro award)
2004 – Prize for animation and performance Small midnight stories at the Loutkřská Chrudim (Czech Rep.)
2004 – Nomination for Erik Award at the meeting of Czech puppeteers – Přelet nad loutkarskym hnízdem
2005 – Prize at Mateřinka 2005 for Small Midnight stories, Best Show at Zlomvaz Festival
2005 – Prize for Animation, Small midnight stories, Bienal Festival of Slovenian Puppet theatre
2006 – Prize for the Small midnight stories at the Festival Valli del Natisone, Italy
2006 – Prize for Animation and Puppets at PIF in Zagreb, Croatia - Small midnight stories
2007 – Prize "Blessed Gift" at the Festival Treff Tallin, Estonia, for shows Pulcinella and Small midnight stories
Other prizes:
2005 Nomination for ‘Talent of the Year’ (Radok prize), CZ Republic
2008 – ‘Golden Bird’ Prize (Zlata ptica) for Visual Art in Slovenia
2009 – Prize for his direction of Kabaret Luknja: Bienal Festival of Slovenian Puppet theatre
2009 – Grand Prix for Kabaret Luknja Bienal Festival of Slovenian Puppet theatre
2010 – Special Prize The Bremen Musicians (Festival Lutke - Ljubljana)
2011 – Prize from Children jury for The Bremen Musicians (PIF - Zagreb)
2011 – Prize for Music and Animation for Bremen Musicians (meeting of Slovene puppeteers)
2012 – Prize from Children jury for show Girl with matches (Nitra, Slovakia)
2013 - Prize Festival Tallin Treff, Estonia: for inteligent author's approach to the youngest public, show Salamander is
crossing the road, directed in Puppet theatre Ljubljana, Slovenia
2013 - Prize at Festival for children Golden stick, LJubljana, Slovenia: for realisation of shows "Salamander is crossiing the road" and "The hole"
2013 - Grand prix at Bienal Festival of Slovenian puppet theatre for direction of puppet show for adults: Kafka - Process,
Puppet theatre Maribor
2014 15. international festival of childrens theatre The Magic Curten, Bolgarija (Trgovište) Hervé Tullet: TURLUTUTU,
directed by Matija Solce at Puppet theatre of Ljubljana, prize for inventive interaction.
2014 Festival PIF, Zagreb: Prize for direction, show Little salamander is crossing the road, Puppet Theatre of Ljubljana
Theatralical music group FEKETESERETLEK
Group Fekete Seretlek is reusing, changing and mixing motives from world music and making up its own original compositions. Violoncello, accordion, trumpet, double bass, violin, cajon and five voices. Six musicians – actors already finished Prague Theatre Academy (DAMU).
Matija Solce – accordion (Slovenia), creator of all arrangements of tunes, puppeteer, actor, organiser and mentor of ethno music workshops (Ethno Histria) is for few years successfully running his own puppet theatre "´Teatro Matita" ( and getting many awards on different international festivals all over the world. Concert is many times played in combination with some of his puppet shows.
Pavol Smolárik – double bass (Slovakia) is acting in different theatres in Prague (Letí, Minor, Dejvické Divadlo). He is a holder of “award for talent of the year 2006 in the field of alternative theatre“.
Jan Meduna – trumpet (Czech), acting in different Prague theatres and recently played lead role in the Czech film “Tobruk“.
Anička Bubníková – violoncello (Czech/Russia), member of Theatre Letí and guests intheatre Minor and F.X.Šaldy
Jiří N. Jelínek – violin (Czech), founder of cirque nouveau company Long Vehicle Circus (, member of norwegian NIE Theatre and guests of National theatre in Prague and other prague´s theatres.
Ivo Sedláček – cajon (Czech), drummer of psychedelic-experimental band Sothein
Concert DAMU Prague 2013:
Concert Ljubljana:
Variety show: Give me back my head: